Mr. D Math self-paced classes can help add some fun to your homeschool!
If you’re anything like me, you’re dreaming of summer and days full of sunshine.
I know the first few months of the year can leave me feeling bored and anxious for the next fun thing.
In our homeschool, that means I’m spending the endless winter hours researching new curriculum and thinking of all the things I want to change next year. And by the time our new curriculum rolls in, I’m ready to shout “Out with the old and in with the new!“
But I resist shoving our half-used curriculum to the back of the closet and force myself to finish out the year strong.
This year, my main goal was to ensure that Bear was ready for pre-algebra.
As a mom who has already been down the high school road a couple of times, I know how important a solid math foundation is for kids.
During my snowed-in week of research earlier this year, I discovered that Mr. D Math has a course titled “Preparing for Pre-Algebra.”
Geared towards 5th and 6th graders, it was exactly what I was looking for! And it comes from one of our all-time favorite math curriculum, Mr. D Math!
This post was sponsored by Mr. D Math and I was compensated for my time.
A positive review was not required but we genuinely enjoy Mr. D Math!
Why We Love Mr. D Math
Mr. D Math is a leader in the online math world. His fun personality, paired with his easy-to-understand teaching methods make math more enjoyable than ever before! Students love Mr. D and parents love that they are no longer required to teach math in their homeschool.
Easy to Use:
- Mr. D Math uses video lessons to teach the students.
- Kiddos take notes and complete assignments.
- Students are responsible for grading their own work.
- Then they correct any mistakes they may have made.
- Once they’ve done this, students take a quiz to make sure they fully understand the concepts being taught.
Online Classes:
All classes are online so you can access them from anywhere that you have Internet connections. My teens love having the option to do schoolwork on the go, from their phone, laptop or on a tablet.
If you opt for live classes, Mr. D Math is the perfect mash-up of convenience and engaging connection. Kids can get to know other classmates and Mr. D, while being able to connect from literally anywhere in the world.
Self-Paced Classes:
While Mr. D Math is most well-known for his live classes because of the relationships that are built through them, we love his self-paced classes.
The freedom that comes with a self-paced online class is unmatched.
We don’t need to lug around textbooks and can fit in math around vacations and soccer practices.
It’s quite literally the best of both worlds!
Live Classes:
Mr. D Math self-paced classes are great but if you’re looking for a LIVE class, there are plenty to choose from.
Students love connecting with peers and Mr. D, himself. Having a set class day and time can teach responsibility.
But best of all, students can earn a full math credit in just 1 semester!
More than Math:
Mr. D teaches so much more than just math these days! From sign language and entrepreneurship to flamenco dancing and study skills, there is something for everyone!
Just a few of the classes offered by Mr. D Math:
- Information Technology
- Digital Music Production
- ACT Math Bootcamp
- Pre-Algebra-Calculious
- Sign Language
- Economics (this is what I’m currently diving into! It’s GREAT!)
- Training Like an Olympic Runner
- Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
- Flamenco Dance
- 8 Steps to Powerful Studying
- Comparative Literature and Composition
With so many different options, there’s something for everyone!
Read more about why we love Mr. D Math:
Teaching Geometry with Mr. D Math
Why I’ll Never Teach High School Math Again
Teaching Study Skills to Teens
Online Classes: The Secret to Doing It All
Mr. D Math: Online Classes for Middle & High Schoolers
Put Your High School Math on Auto-Pilot