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Where Can I Find a Homeschool Friendly College?

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There’s no doubt that your child’s future is on the forefront of your mind. Whether you’re homeschooling a first grader or a senior in high school, the direction their life is going is a huge worry for most parents. Homeschooling parents get the extra burden of worrying if they’re sheltering their kids too much. Are they teaching them everything they need to know in order to succeed? Will their precious child curl up into the fetal position and cry on their first day of college? Or will they actually grow into well-rounded adults who find a love for education?
There’s really no way of knowing if we are doing everything right. In fact, I can almost bet you aren’t doing everything the right way. And that’s fine. Following our gut instincts and going against the norms of society is hard but it is worth it. Homeschooling is solid evidence that we believe what we are doing is best for our kids.

One of the biggest worries that homeschool parents have is whether or not their kids will be able to go to college. Time and time again, I assure people that my kids can get into college just as easily as public school kids. In fact, some colleges even prefer homeschooled kids. Yet, some parents still struggle to believe so.

When I come across one of these nay-sayers, I introduce them to Spartanburg Methodist College. Nestled quietly near the mountains of South Carolina, this place is amazing! They’ve taken notice of the work ethic of homeschooled kids and they actually WANT them to attend their college!

Note: I was compensated for my time on this post. All opinions are honest.

Spartanburg Methodist College is a homeschool friendly college where your students will thrive!

Why Spartanburg Methodist College?

Spartanburg Methodist College is a small, private college about an hour from Charlotte, North Carolina. They focus on helping students successfully transition from high school to college as easily as possible. In just two years, students can obtain their Associates Degree in the study of their choice. Once the student has graduated from the 2 year school, the staff and teachers step in and help make the next transition an easy one. Most of Spartanburg Methodist College graduates move on to universities to further their education.

But why choose Spartanburg Methodist College? It’s simple. Homeschool students thrive in their small class settings. With about 800 students on campus, there is plenty of one-on-one guidance for new students. The professors also serve as academic advisers and will encourage your child along the way. Together, they will form a plan to help keep students on track and working hard to meet their goals.  Most colleges are unhelpful when it comes to moving on but the advisers at this homeschool friendly college work hard to make sure your child can smoothly continue their education. After all, a person holding an Associates Degree earns about $500,000 more in their lifetime than those who opted to not attend college.

Students are most likely to drop out of college during their freshmen year. The intense change of pace is hard to keep up with. At Spartanburg Methodist College, the students will feel at ease. The tight-knit school is everything a homeschooler dreams of, without all the added stress.

Spartanburg Methodist College is a homeschool friendly college where your students will thrive!

Spartanburg Methodist College loves homeschooled students so much that they will even waive their application fee for them. All you need to do is use the code “Homeschool.”


 Here are three easy ways to take a closer look at Spartanburg Methodist College:

  1. Attend our Open House on October 21
  2. Schedule a Campus Tour
  3. Request More Information

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Spartanburg Methodist College is a homeschool friendly college where your students will thrive!