Raising teenagers can be hard but being a teenager is equally hard. These formative years can be a struggle for so many reasons. Teens are trying their hardest to fit in, while also trying to discover what makes them unique. They’re trying to plan for the future while wondering how they’ll even get through this week. Helping teens find purpose is an easy way to make sure they know their value and ease their mind about the rest of their lives.
But helping teens find purpose isn’t as hard as you might think! Just helping them realize who they already are and who they want to be can set the stage for massive success down the road.
I was 35 years old before I was ever asked what the purpose of my life was.
I knew I was a mom, first and foremost. I’d proven I could run a successful online business while homeschooling my kids. I knew my husband was my biggest cheerleader and was the driving force behind my successes in life.
But…what was my purpose?
I had no idea.
Once I started thinking about it, I wish someone had asked me that question about 20 years sooner. And I vowed to help my teens find purpose in their own lives.
There are a few simple ways to help teens find purpose in life:
Set Goals:
Learning how to set and work towards goals is a skill that many teens don’t have. It doesn’t come naturally and unless they’ve been taught, it can feel foreign and even silly.
However, setting SMART goals is a great way to understand your purpose. What do you want to attain? Why do you want to do that? How will you get from where you are to where you want to be?
These questions can help guide and direct a student’s choices during some of the most important years of their lives.
Goal-setting is an invaluable skill that will help set students apart for the rest of their lives.
Discover Your Strengths & Weaknesses:
Do you ever wonder why we try to make kids really good at ALL the things? They may do exceptionally well at math, yet we push them to learn to read better and better. Americans have the mentality that kids should get all A’s and do well in all things.
That simply isn’t possible. What if, instead of working against our weaknesses, we poured our attention and efforts into what kids are good at naturally.
Learning to work with your strengths, instead of against them is a great way to excel in the things you love.
Create a Vision for the Future:
Like many students, I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life while I was just a teenager. Instead of focusing on finding a career path that I wanted, I tried to envision my future. What did I want that to look like?
Once I realized being a stay-at-home mom was my path, it was easy to understand that I didn’t need to get a higher ACT score.
I knew I didn’t want a 9-5 job. I didn’t want to work for a large corporation. If I were to work, I wanted to make an impact on lives in my own community. I had no idea what that meant, but I knew it was important to me.
You don’t have to know exactly what you want to do in life, but envisioning your future is a great way to see what you need to do now to prepare yourself for the future.
Discover What’s Most Important:
Figuring out what’s important to them is a huge step in helping teens find their purpose. Whether they want to focus on volunteering, climbing the ladder at work or focus on religion, knowing exactly what’s important can help teens find their purpose.
How Voyage Can Help Your Teen Find Purpose
Voyage has been a God-send when it came to helping me prep my teens for the future. Not only did it help them find their purpose, but it also taught them all the life skills they would need to be successful as they worked to fulfill their purpose.
About Voyage Course:
Voyage is made up of 5 interactive modules:
Who I Am
Career Planning
College Planning
Financial Responsibility
Everyday Living
Each module is carefully designed to ensure students know the skills they’ll need to be successful adults. The modules are immersed in life-skills, like teamwork, responsibility, communication and so much more!
Super Affordable:
When I first heard about the Voyage course, I was excited to find exactly what we needed in our homeschool… but I knew the price tag would be out of my price range! After all, homeschooling on a budget isn’t always easy!
Imagine my surprise when I saw the price was only $60! That’s nearly $150 less than I expected!
One Semester:
Here’s the thing: we’ve worked REALLY hard to prepare our teens for adulthood. We’ve taught them how to pump gas and write thank-you cards. We’ve showed them the importance of saving money and working hard for what you want.
But there was so much that we’d missed. Our kids had no idea how to fill out a deposit slip at the bank. Or how to check their oil. Heck, they didn’t even know how to apply for colleges!
Voyage is a simple way to make sure that ALL of our bases our covered. From home and car maintenance to acing a job interview, it’s a great tool to prepare your teen for adulthood.
One of my favorite things about Voyage is that it’s only a one-semester course. That meant that my teens could use that second semester to explore the things they’d learned on their own.
They could apply to colleges, practice interview skills, spend some time learning more about basic car maintenance and so much more.
They can really dive into the first module of the course and figure out exactly what they want to do with the rest of their lives. (That first module is by far my favorite! So helpful!)
Teaches Important Lessons:
There are so many lessons to be taught in life that, as parents, we simply can’t get to them all. That’s why I love that Voyage covers so many things!
We get so wrapped up in the everyday moments that sometimes we forget to use those experiences as teaching lessons to our kids. Voyage does that for us, in a painless and fun way!