If your teen is searching for a high school elective that will teach them skills they’ll use every single day for the rest of their life, you’re not alone!
While art and geography are fun, they simply don’t offer as much bang for their buck as a life skills class will. So when we sat down to sketch out a rough outline for my daughter’s high school years, I knew that was one class that had to be included.
There are so many things that need to be taught to teens and high school elective classes are a great way to teach them. However, many of the classes offered in public schools aren’t as important as other things. While I think it’s incredibly important for kids to explore new interests, they also need to take classes that make them a more responsible and well-rounded adult.
In our house, the high school elective that is a “must” is life skills.
This post is sponsored by Thrive. I received access to the Voyage course for free and was compensated for my time.
All opinions are my own.
Voyage: The High School Elective You’ll Love
Thrive has created an amazing online course that helps high school students learn the most important life skills they’ll ever need. It’s fun, interactive lessons make learning boring subjects more exciting for kids!
Voyage is made up of 5 modules that each teach students to communicate, work together as a team, personal responsibility and so much more.
Homeschool the Easy Way!
If you’ve been around here for very long, you know that I love any course or program that makes homeschooling easier for ME. While I’m homeschooling 3 kiddos on 3 different levels, I’m also running a full-time online business and working hard to keep my house running smoothly.
It’s exhausting really.
While I was dreading teaching life skills to my teenagers, I had no idea that Voyage had already done all the hard work for me!
In fact, they’ve even included a “Teacher Resource Folder” that walks you through the features of the course. It also has suggested activities for each module. And let me tell ya, there are some AWESOME ideas that I never would’ve thought of by myself. The Teacher’s Resource Folder ensures you get the very most out of an important high school elective.
The Voyage course can be teacher-guided or self-paced. The choice is yours! Of course, you know which path we chose for our homeschool. 😉 Anything to get something off my own plate is a huge blessing to our family.
But what if your teens aren’t self-motivated?
Well, Voyage has made it a breeze for busy moms to keep track of what their kiddos have completed.
Students upload their completed work, like resumes, financial budgets and cover letters. Then all the parent needs to do is review them and make sure the work is completed to your expectations.
But how can you be sure they’re learning anything, you ask? Well, because each of the 5 modules require students to pass a 10 question final exam with an 80% grade or higher. The quizzes are graded within the module. All you need to do is run the grade report!
Learn more about each Voyage module here!
How We’re Using Voyage in our Homeschool
The Voyage online course counts as half a high school credit. My kiddos will complete it during the first semester and the following semester, they’ll apply what they’ve learned, resulting in one full credit for the year.
Some real-life activities we’ll complete include:
Craft a resume
Open their own checking account
Apply to colleges
Call to make appointments, ask questions or to figure out wait times
Work on goals and their visions for the future
Make a plan for their money and start using it
Visit an airport and get to know the process
Craft a list of their strengths and weaknesses
Tour a local college
Mock job interviews
Create a meal plan for the week
Shop for and cook the meals from their weekly meal plan
Research one new college each week
Travel by themselves
Write a list of questions to ask during college visits
Shop for business-friendly outfits for job interviews
Make their own doctor and dentist appointments
Research loans and compare their interest rates
Plan a road trip on a budget