4 PE Ideas for Homeschoolers
The surge in the number of children who are being home-schooled or attending online schools over the last few years has been somewhat unprecedented. There are many advantages of attending school from home, like the convenience and quiet working environment. But there are also some disadvantages. Kids don’t get as much time to socialize and they lose the physical exercise of playing sports at school. There are some ways your child can still get plenty of exercise if they’re being home-schooled. With that in mind, here are some awesome P.E. ideas for you and your children.
4 PE Ideas for Homeschoolers
Play a Backyard Sport
You can probably look back on your childhood and remember fondly the games you played on the back lawn. Many kids enjoy spending time in the evenings and weekends in the backyard playing catch or childhood games with their parents or siblings. It’s a great way of doing exercise while having fun, and the whole family can get involved.
One of the most popular backyard sports is baseball, thanks to the minimal amount of equipment you need. To get started you need a baseball glove, baseball, and baseball bat. When it comes to buying the equipment – especially the bat – you should aim for quality as it will not only last longer, but good quality and well-made baseball bats can improve your child’s skill.
Use the Internet
Another option is to use the resources available online and dedicate some time out of every day for your home-schooled children to do a workout. Video-sharing websites and services like YouTube have an almost infinite supply of guided workouts that your children can easily follow along at home.
Many of these workouts don’t need special equipment. They can be done in the living room or the yard using a tablet or laptop computer. Vary these workouts on alternating days between ones that focus on cardio and others that focus on resistance training. This will ensure that your home P.E. sessions will be comprehensive and achieve great results.
Try an App
Just like the video content you find online, you’ll also find plenty of great apps that you can use with your children for home workouts and P.E. sessions. Some apps might come with a small subscription fee to access all the content, while others are free. You don’t need to restrict it to the backyard either. Apps like the official Couch to 5K program will help your kids get running fit safely. This happens over the course of 12 weeks. It’s the perfect activity to do with your kids, and you’ll all reap the rewards of getting fitter together.
Join a Club
Another great way for your children to get some healthy exercise is for them to join a sports club. There are almost always clubs for a few popular sports in every town. The membership fees they charge are usually very reasonable. Your children will also get the benefit of having a coach oversee their practices. Not to mention the fun of the competitiveness that comes along with playing against other clubs in the area.
Keeping your kids active and encouraging a healthy relationship with exercise and getting moving as much as possible is important. Having a fun way to do this at home with your homeschooler can be challenging. If you use some creativity, you’ll be able to make sure they get the exercise they need, even at home. If you do these P.E. sessions with your kid, you’ll get the benefit of the exercise too – it’s a win-win!