Activities for Deschooling Your Kids
You’ve made the crazy life-changing decision to pull your kids from public schools to start homeschooling. You’re scared, you’re excited and mostly, you’re overwhelmed. You know you can do it. …
You’ve made the crazy life-changing decision to pull your kids from public schools to start homeschooling. You’re scared, you’re excited and mostly, you’re overwhelmed. You know you can do it. …
It’s not everyday that a big chunk of money lands in your bank account, so when it does, you should make sure you utilize it in the best ways possible. …
There are only a few more weeks of school in your planner, yet somehow your child’s math book is only halfway completed. Sound familiar? Getting behind in your homeschool is …
Do you ever stop and ask yourself if you are teaching your kids everything they will need to know to make them successful adults?I’m not talking about writing a paragraph …
Sometimes being a homeschool mom just flat out sucks. Lately, those “sometimes” have turned into “a lot of times.” Willpower out the window, our days quickly fill with tension and …
Tips to Homeschool On One Income Living on one income isn’t for the faint of heart. Throw homeschooling in the mix and you’ve done lost yo’ darn mind! In fact, …
It’s no secret that kids can be slobs. With trails of Cheerios leading to the kitchen table, dirty socks kicked off in the entryway and wet towels thrown in the …
It’s no doubt that homeschooling changes families lives, but I never realized how much it would impact us. Every once in a while, I sit down and really contemplate our …
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What Homeschoolers Really Want It’s happened again. Another well-meaning relative has given me another stack of notebooks and 43 more boxes of crayons. While I really do appreciate their generosity, wouldn’t …