If you’ve been looking for a fun game to play around the table, you can’t miss out on these fun Thanksgiving Family Feud printables!
There are so many things happening during Thanksgiving Day that it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. But you don’t want to miss out on the chance to belly-laugh along with your family and friends!
The last several years, Thanksgiving has turned into an entertainment-based holiday. From the football games blaring on the TV to the Black Friday sales that make people leave their family dinners early, it’s a busy day!
But instead of rushing through the day, use this time with your family with intention.
Hold deep conversations with your family members.
Take lots of photos.
Enjoy some scrumptious food and adorable desserts.
Play some fun games to help family members connect and really enjoy their time together.
Download your free copy of Thanksgiving Family Feud in our subscriber library! Sign up today to get instant access to all of our free goodies!
Tips for using our Thanksgiving Family Feud Printables:
Divide your group into 2 teams:
How you choose to do this is up to you:
Kids vs. Adults
Family 1 vs. Family 2
Men vs. Women
Grandparents vs. Parents
Random Mixture of Players on Each Team
Decide who will go first:
We like to have a silly rule, like “Whoever has the most toilet paper leftover from 2020 will go first!” You can pick numbers, draw straws or whatever suits your fancy.
Play the game:
We generally have one person who acts as Steve Harvey. They call up the first two contestants and hold their hand out to act as the buzzer. The “Steve Harvey” reads the question and the 2 players race to “buzz in” by gently slapping “Steve’s” hand. If they give the number one answer, they must then decide to “Play or Pass!”
Keeping Score:
The printable has a space for “Steve” to keep track of how many X’s the team has, as well as a running score for each team. (You can see the example below. This question was from our 2020 edition.)