Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months, you’ve probably heard all about the long-awaited release of Teaching Textbooks 4.0.
Teaching Textbooks has been the leader in the homeschool industry for several years now but with their latest version, they’ve soared above the competition. Their unbelievable features set them apart from other math curriculum while helping families provide a high-quality education to their kiddos.
This post is sponsored by Teaching Textbooks. I received the product for free and was compensated for my time.
All opinions are my own and a positive review was not guaranteed.
Can I tell you a secret?
If it weren’t for Teaching Textbooks, my kids would be in public school.
You see, our first year of homeschooling was rough. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was trying to navigate the new waters of homeschooling with 3 kiddos underfoot.
Every day was the same ol’ story: I was trying to teach math lessons to my 5th grader while my 1st grader worked on her language arts. But, day after day, my toddler would slam our books shut, draw on our worksheets and dump cereal all over the kitchen floor.
He was a handful, that was not to be trusted.
Day in and day out, we ended in tears. I just couldn’t seem to find the time I needed to help my daughter focus on her math work. Between interruptions, she did great but those interruptions were all too frequent.
One day, I threw my hands in the air and declared they were all going back to public school.
When my husband got home, he held me tight, reeling in my “crazy,” and told me we’d find a solution
And, as always, he was right.
When I found Teaching Textbooks, our whole dynamic changed! My daughter could do her math while I entertained the toddler. Teaching Textbooks did all of the teaching and grading, leaving me free to spend some one-on-one time with my little monster.
After that, I vowed we’d never shed tears over a curriculum again!
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Teaching Textbooks 4.0
Why It Works For Our Family:
While a lot of homeschool families like to limit the use of technology in their homeschool, I’m certainly not that mom. In fact, the more technology, the merrier. I feel like it’s the direction our world is headed and instead of fighting against technology, I’m happy to embrace it and teach my kiddos to use it responsibly. Learning math seems like a pretty responsible way to use technology, doesn’t it!?!
Safety nets:
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 offers an amazing system of safety nets that other curriculum don’t.
Hints ➜ Second Chance ➜ Step-by-Step Solution ➜ Tutor Hotline
Tops the list of homeschool keepers:
Thousands of homeschool families say that Teaching Textbooks is the one constant in their homeschool. While they may switch science or language arts curriculum, they stick with Teaching Textbooks, year after year!
- Works with ALL devices:
The new Teaching Textbooks 4.0 works on tablets, cell phones, Chromebooks, PCs or any other device you use! The brand-spankin’ new app makes it easy to transition from one device to another.
New Features:
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 offers the same amazing features but added a lot of new exciting ones, too!
One of the very best new features is the scratchpad. We use Teaching Textbooks 4.0 on the go a lot, which means we don’t always have scratch paper on hand. With the built-in scratchpad, not only do your students have a spot to work out their math problems, but it also auto-saves the work. This is perfect for parents who want to look back at their child’s work to see where they messed up on a problem.
Kids love being able to customize their math program! With brand new wallpaper options, kids have plenty of fun designs to choose from.
Students can now earn stickers to keep in their own sticker books when they complete assignments. It’s a fun little reward that students quickly become obsessed with!
- New buddies:
One of my kids’ favorite things about Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is the fun new buddies. They have so many new options and are able to unlock more options as they move forward in the program. Bear lovingly calls his buddy his “Math Friend.”
- Customizable hints & sounds:
Kids are able to make their math program exactly how they like it by customizing the hints and sounds, as well! Who knew this was such an exciting thing to kids!?!
Same Great Teaching:
- Teaching Textbooks 4.0 does ALL the teaching for you:
From explaining new concepts to grading your child’s work, Teaching Textbooks does all of the dirty work for you! It’s like having your own personal tutor right there in your house!
- Teacher video with every problem:
Every single problem, in every single lesson, in every single level offers a teacher video! That’s a whole lot of teacher videos, that are worth their weight in gold!
- Additional help available:
If there’s a concept your child doesn’t quite get, they are able to rewatch the lesson. If they’re still struggling, they are able to reach out to one of Teaching Textbook’s tutors. There’s always more help available, no matter the issue!
- Automated grading & instant feedback for every problem:
The automatic grading allows kiddos to see exactly where they’re struggling. Paired with the instant feedback on every problem, it’s easy to figure out what your student is doing wrong and correct the problem!
- Laced with hints in every single grade level:
When your child knows what to do but is struggling to remember, Teaching Textbooks offers help! Their entire program is laced with hints that will help jog their memory! It’s the perfect amount of help, without giving away the answers! Best of all, students don’t have to use the hints if they don’t need them! They’re just there in case they’re needed.
Easy For Parents:
- Works offline:
One of my favorite new features of Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is the ability to use the program while offline. Like I already mentioned, it’s easy to grab a tablet and a set of headphones and complete a lesson or two in the car, on the way to soccer practice!
Offline capabilities is a game-changer for so many homeschoolers. From rural folks to those traveling the country in an RV, being able to do math offline is a huge blessing!
Keeping track of my kids’ grades isn’t my favorite thing to do. Teaching Textbooks 4.0 does all the grading AND recording for me, though! I don’t have to worry about a thing! All I need to do is print off the Gradebook at the end of the year. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!
- {Coming Soon!} Daily Progress Emails:
Another feature that isn’t quite live yet is the parent email. Parents will get a daily email that includes important information, including the lesson their child completed that day, their score, course average and the time remaining on the subscription! This will save me so much time from logging in to the parent dashboard everyday. Each night before bed, I’ll just check my email and see exactly what progress was made that day.
- Search the eBook by topic:
The absolute biggest drawback of using an online math curriculum is trying to solve a problem after you’ve moved on from that topic. For instance, if my kiddo learned about polynomials before Christmas break then needs a refresher when we start school back up, I used to have to search through each and every lesson to find the video on it. Now, I can easily search the ebook for that topic and the lessons will quickly pop up for me to view! I don’t use this feature often but when I need it, it’s the best!
- Additional help for student:
When I say Teaching Textbooks 4.0 provides additional support for kids, I’m not talking about waiting until dad gets home from work to ask him. Nope, Teaching Textbook has all sorts of ways to ensure your child understands the concepts. You can count on them to help you when needed!
- Can turn off hints, if they want:
Does anyone else have a lazy kid? You know the one. He’ll do whatever he can to make his life easier, take every shortcut available, whether he needs it or not? Yep, I have one of those kiddos, too. I noticed he was taking the hints on every single lesson, even when he didn’t need them. Joke’s on him because Teaching Textbooks 4.0 allows me to shut off the hints if I want. And trust me, I wanted to. He did a few lessons without any hints until he quit being lazy.
Affordable Options:
I know exactly what you’re thinking: If Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is really this awesome, it must cost an arm and a leg! Wrong! Not only is it the most thorough math program on the market but it’s also affordable!
The price of a Teaching Textbook 4.0 digit course ranges from $43.08-$67.08 a year! That means that you can get a high-quality math program for about $5 a month! Holy moly, that’s awesome!
- Pause please:
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 comes with up to 3 months of “pause time.” This comes in handy over Christmas break, long weekends or when you run into a family emergency that requires you to take some time off of school.
- Large family discount:
Let’s face it: homeschoolers are known for having large families. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having 6 or 7 kids, it does cause a problem when you’re curriculum shopping. It doesn’t take long for the cost to add up! But Teaching Textbooks offers a large-family discount! That means the already-affordable prices are even lower for families with lots of kids!
- Free trial:
Teaching Textbooks 4.0 allows you to preview the first 15 lessons of each level for FREE! You can sign up for multiple levels at once, to find out exactly which level you want to go with. The free trials never expire so you can work through them at your own pace. Best of all, no credit card is required to get access to the free trial! Sign up today! You’ve got nothing to lose.
If you’re looking for an affordable math option that completely takes teaching math off YOUR plate, you can’t afford to miss Teaching Textbooks 4.0!
Wanna know more about Teaching Textbooks?
- 8 Reasons We Love Teaching Textbooks
- Teaching Textbooks and a Toddler Who Drives You Mad
- Teaching Textbooks on a Budget