Activities for Deschooling Your Kids
You’ve made the crazy life-changing decision to pull your kids from public schools to start homeschooling. You’re scared, you’re excited and mostly, you’re overwhelmed. You know you can do it. …
You’ve made the crazy life-changing decision to pull your kids from public schools to start homeschooling. You’re scared, you’re excited and mostly, you’re overwhelmed. You know you can do it. …
What if I told you that you could homeschool for the cost of basic school supplies and an internet connection? How about if I told you that someone has taken all of the guess-work out of homeschooling? No need to plan a year’s worth of lessons, search out hard-to-find required books or rack up hundreds of hours wondering if you’re doing “enough?” What if I told you about a COMPLETELY free homeschool curriculum that meets nearly every single state’s requirements?
Family dinners. Christmas shopping. Church gatherings. Christmas caroling. Winter sports. Decorating the Christmas tree. Co-op Parties. Gift Exchanges. Work Parties. The list could go on and on. The holidays are …
Many people still believe that choosing home schooling is outdated. In fact, only 3 percent of the population in school age chose to be homeschooled in the years 2011-2012. This …
Homeschooling can be fun and very beneficial, but it can as well be the opposite, dull and a total waste of your time. You don’t want your children developing a …
Everywhere you look there are people in need. There are homeless people standing on the corners, single moms barely scraping by, elderly neighbors struggling to carry their groceries, preschoolers struggling …
You’ve reached that point. You know that public school isn’t working but you’re not sure you’re cut out to homeschool. Just thinking about homeschooling has you shakin’ in your boots. …
Living in Missouri means that Mother Nature is moody. It’s not rare to turn on your heater and air conditioner in the same day. Between frigid winter days and …
Eggs. One of the many simple things in life that you never really notice. Once you do, you discover so many amazing components working together to make it exactly what …
You’ve heard of the old saying “Over the hill,” right? Well, guys, as of today, I am officially over the hill! Today is my 31st birthday, making me older than …