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Blueberry Patch Field Trip

I love watching my kids acquire skills. They may never need to use these skills but it is still so much fun to watch them learn anyways.

Our latest trip to a local blueberry farm was a great learning experience. The sun was already hot at 7 am but we were troopers. It didn’t take long before we were drenched in sweat but the kids kept right on a’pickin!

blueberry patch field trip

We spent about 2 hours picking the juiciest berries we could find. When picking berries, the “dust” colored berries.

 blueberry patch field trip

 While we are not even close to Maine, who produces the most blueberries in the entire world, we didn’t have any trouble finding plenty of delicious berries to take home with us.  We ended up with over 2 gallons of fresh picked blueberries.

blueberry patch field trip  

When we got home, we followed the advice from fellow berry-pickers and laid the berries out to ripen overnight.

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We were amazed how much they ripened overnight!
We then placed them in freezer bags and put them away to enjoy for the rest of the year!


blueberry patch field trip

Fresh picked blueberries are a easy and healthy snack that’s hard to beat!