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Smart Storage Ideas for the Kitchen

Looking for smart storage ideas for the kitchen?

Does your kitchen lack storage space? If that is the case, then do not worry. You are not the only one dealing with this problem. Not being able to put every single plate and pot away and having to store your food all over the place is an annoying issue in quite a few houses.

Fortunately, there is a way to fix this problem! You just have to invest in a few clever storage ideas for your kitchen.  Below you will find quite a few such ideas, ranging from buying a few roomy kitchen cabinets and installing an under-the-sink drawer to looking into putting hidden compartments in hidden areas. Check it out and make your kitchen a whole lot more organized in no time!

Love these smart storage ideas for the kitchen!

7 Smart Storage Ideas for the Kitchen

Buy Some Roomy Kitchen Cabinets

The first and probably the easiest way of improving your kitchen storage space is by simply buying some roomy kitchen cabinets and putting them where there is empty space. This way, you will get plenty of new storage options without doing any work.

For example, you can check in one of the many kitchen cabinet design tools what type of cabinet will fit the rest of the room and then buy it. Nothing simpler than that.

Create a Hidden Compartment in the Ceiling

Having a hidden compartment in your kitchen is both exciting and scary at the same time. Why? It is exciting because you get a place where you can store your valuables, especially if you live in a house with kids and pets. On the other hand, it is scary because you never know when someone might find it.

Now, you might be asking yourself how you can create a hidden compartment in the ceiling. Well, it is actually quite easy. All you have to do is to mount some drawer or box to the ceiling. To hide it, you can put a board over it. What makes this option so inviting is the fact that there are numerous ways in which you can go about doing this.

You can, for example, use an old closet door, hang a wood shelf from the ceiling, or purchase a specially designed ceiling cabinet. The good news is that all of these options are pretty cheap. So, give them a try and see what works best for you!

Do Not Forget About Using Drawers

Drawers are one of the oldest and most common storage methods ever invented. They are one of the most useful ones as well. All you need to do is buy yourself a few sturdy cabinet drawers and put them under your kitchen cabinets. Remember that taking the right measurements is critical during installation. If you want to get the job done fast, use a cabinet hardware jig to put those knobs and cabinet pulls in the right places. Then, make sure that everything that needs storing gets stored in them, and voila! You have improved your kitchen space.

Install a Hidden Cupboard or Drawer

Another great way to increase your kitchen storage space without having to spend too much money on it is by installing a hidden cupboard or drawer somewhere in your kitchen. For example, you can put one inside your pantry or under the sink. However, make sure that it is not too noticeable so that no one finds it accidentally!

Use Magnetic Storage

If you want to have a place where you can store all of your metal cooking utensils, you should consider using magnetic storage. This way, you will be able to hang spoons, spatulas, knives, and other metal items on the side of a cabinet. If you do that correctly, no one might even notice that they are there!

Install a Roll-Out Shelf

Do you have some hard-to-reach items in your kitchen? If so, then this is the perfect solution for you. Installing a roll-out shelf in a cabinet or under the sink will allow you to organize everything in your kitchen quickly.

You can also purchase a roll-out shelf that is specialized in storing spices. That way, you will be able to have them right at your fingertips whenever you need them!

Use Stacked Storage Containers

If you are short on storage space and there are no drawers or cabinets available in your kitchen, then what do you do? Well, one of the best storage ideas in such cases is to use stacked storage containers. They come in various shapes and sizes and can store all sorts of things ranging from spices to kitchen utensils like spoons and can openers.

The Bottom Line

Now you know how you can improve storage space in your kitchen. While all of the methods we mentioned are valid, make sure to choose the one that is the best for you.

Consider if adding more cabinets would be beneficial for your kitchen. Additionally, think about using stacked storage containers and roll-out shelves to make your kitchen more practical. Alternatively, if you want to create a perfect place to store your valuables, you may try installing a hidden compartment somewhere in your kitchen.

With our tips and some determination, you are bound to create the best kitchen in the world. Good luck!