Parenting is rough. When you’re not griping at your kids about cleaning their bedrooms, you’re complaining about their school work. Trying to raise them into productive and respectful humans is a lot harder than one would think.
That’s why it’s so super-duper important that sometimes we break free from the stress and just ENJOY our children. Whether we are boppin’ around to some horrible music they love or enjoying an ice cream date, it’s vital that we take the time to really bond with our kids.

One easy-peasy way that my kids love to be crazy is to celebrate random “holidays.”
We have some pretty cooky traditions at our house but my kids love them all and look forward to them each year. For instance, on the first day of school for the local district, we all sleep in, then go out to breakfast in our pajamas. My kids love it so much and the people we run into think we’re crazy. And maybe we are! 😉
Another one of our fun traditions is making homemade fried ice cream and delivering it to all of our friends and family on Cinco de Mayo. We spend all morning on May 5th rolling up ice cream balls and freezing them. Then we roll them around in some crushed up Cinnamon Toast Crunch and freeze them again. When we start our delivery, we throw all of our toppings into a small basket and the ice cream balls into a small cooler. Once we’re in the car, we start to “plate up” the next recipients’ dessert. The kids work together to drizzle the perfect amount of topping over the ice cream balls. Our “people” love it and we love making them smile!
This year, take some time to slow your roll and enjoy these fleeting moments. You don’t have to have a big celebration, but just do something fun and let the kids know that you actually LOVE being with them!
To help you out, we’ve created a fun printable that has plenty of silly to celebrate in spring. Simply print it off and keep it handy. Next time you’re bored or feeling frustrated, take a deep breath and pick a day to celebrate! It’ll be just the breath of fresh air you need in your busy schedule.