It can be a struggle to homeschool when you’re busy but the truth is, life is going to happen so you’ll have to learn to keep trucking along.
Over the years, we’ve dealt with all kinds of life events that have made me worry about falling behind in our homeschool: death of family members, adding on to our home, times when my husband was home more than at work and many other things. When you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, it can feel stressful to homeschool your kids, on top of it all.
But it’s important that you don’t throw in the towel and just do nothing! In today’s world, there are millions of resources that can help you homeschool when you’re busy.
In our home, it feels like the first thing that gets dropped when life gets busy is math. After all, it was taking hours each day, ending in tears and had the whole family frustrated.
This post is sponsored by Teaching Textbooks. I received the product for free and was compensated for my time.
Teaching Textbooks can help you homeschool when you’re busy!
Teaching Textbooks is a full math curriculum that’s perfect for grades 3-12. (We actually start using Teaching Textbooks in 2nd grade, instead of 3rd but we take it nice and slow! That’s why I’m so thankful for the 12-month access.)
Before, we used the Teaching Textbook CDs but we constantly felt constricted to our computers. The kids’ Chromebooks didn’t have a disc drive so they couldn’t even do math on their own device.
But the online version of Teaching Textbooks has been a game-changer! We can use the app anywhere! I actually have it downloaded on our phones, iPad and Chromebooks so it’s always handy when we have some spare time.
Grades 3-12:
Whether you’re just introducing multiplication or you’re struggling to teach geometry, Teaching Textbooks can help! Not only do the bite-size lessons boost kids’ confidence, but they also allow them to work at their own pace, looping back around to any topic they struggle with.
I love the fact that I can count on Teaching Textbooks to do all the nitty-gritty for me, once I’ve taught the basics.
Sometimes when I tell people about Teaching Textbooks, they look defeated. When I ask why they answer that they could never afford a program so perfect. But the truth is, you can afford Teaching Textbooks! Most levels only cost about $50 for 12-month access.
Does all the Dirty Work:
Homeschooling while you’re busy is feels like adding another match to the fire but Teaching Textbooks does all the dirty work for you! That’s right, it’s completely hands-off for parents.
• Teaching:
Short, bite-size lessons make Teaching Textbook stand out in the crowd. Kids don’t feel overwhelmed as new topics are slowly introduced.

• Grading:
Teaching Textbooks lets students know immediately whether or not they got the answer correct. At the end of each lesson, they see their scores for the entire lesson.
A quick trip to the gradebook allows them to see exactly how they’re doing throughout the whole curriculum.
• Hints and Help:
If they get an answer wrong, students are able to try again. I love this option because my little guy tends to have the correct answer but his little hands are still clumsy at times. He often hits the wrong number before he realizes. The second chance gives him a boost of confidence as he gets it right the second time. But I love watching his fine motor skills improve as he gets stronger and stronger.
• Record Keeping:
If there’s one thing I hate most about homeschooling, it’s the recordkeeping. But Teaching Textbooks does that for me! This is especially useful when you’re homeschooling while busy because it’s one huge task you don’t need to do.