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How Does Environment Affect Students?

How does their environment affect students?

Studies have shown that when a pair of identical twins is separated at birth and raised in two different environments, they will be influenced more by their surroundings than their genes. While genetics plays a huge role in who we are and become, the environmental effect has a lot of say in the outcomes of things we cannot control.

This information is good news to people who would otherwise be disadvantaged by their genes. A few features such as height, eye color, and looks are beyond anyone’s control, but the rest is totally up to us and our environment.

Wondering how their environment affect students?

How does the Environment Affect Students?


When a child is introduced into the world, they get to know the persons closest to them. If a parent, guardian, or caregiver is kind loving, the child grows up feeling wanted and accepted. You get to see that it is all about environment when you look at kids who were rejected when they were younger. They either become people-pleasers, or they push everyone away in a bid to avoid rejection. They are likely to go into adulthood afraid that everyone who draws near them will eventually get tired and push them away. You can read online essay examples that show these patterns in detail.

Those who come into their lives later can help them change. A once rejected student could start looking at the world differently if they met a teacher that made them feel seen and accepted. If this trend of love and acceptance continues, it could change the person completely.


Stress is expected in a student’s life since they will constantly be on their toes with assignments, exams, and an attempt at a social life. A little of it is good, too, as the brain releases adrenaline, making it work even better. Too much of it changes the game for the worst, and it only gets worse when not acted on. The ideal balance is an environment that doesn’t stress you out while at school, allows you to rest and recover, have a life outside school, and pace out your studies, so you are not running up and down all the time.


Food could either stress your body or nourish it, and it all boils down to choice. The processed food that most students like is laden with sugars that lower one’s concentration and lead them to be sluggish due to reduced blood flow. Healthier options such as colored veggies and whole meals leave you feeling and looking good. They are also great for the brain, so your concentration levels will be higher.


If you can get seven straight hours of quality sleep every night, you will be less agitated and more productive the following day. Nine hours are even better, but few of us get that, so seven is more achievable. Some of the things that make it possible to sleep that many hours include exercise, switching off the lights and going to bed at the same time every day, eating lighter meals before bed, and avoiding drinks that could get the brain active, such as caffeine. Even when you have too much schoolwork to get through, it helps to prioritize your rest.


Even college students need to work up a sweat to get their brains firing from all cylinders. Pick a high-intensity workout and get to it for thirty minutes every day. You will notice better concentration and physical health. The good thing about physical fitness is that there are several options. You don’t have to do what others do. Pick something that works for you and build some consistency to see results.

The environment affects students more than we realize.

We are products of our environments. This is nice because it shows we have the power to change the things that we do not like. We create habits that will either build or break us, and our genetic build-up only has so much control at that level. When you take charge of your life, you can create the life you want at any stage.

Wondering how their environment affect students?