One of the many simple things in life that you never really notice. Once you do, you discover so many amazing components working together to make it exactly what it needs to be. From the extraordinary strength of the shell to the perfectly placed air sac, it is a reassuring reminder of God’s attention to every little detail.
Spring is the promise of new beginnings, fresh starts and the beginning of new life. The fresh green grass peeking through the brittle remnants of last year’s lawn. The first dandelions springing happily from the ground. The early morning singing of new birds. The scent of bleach as I begin my spring cleaning, wiping away the last signs of winter.
Spring always inspire us to buckle down and get busy on our school work. The dreary months of winter are behind us and we can finally look ahead. Summer is almost within our grasp.
What better way to celebrate spring than with educational egg activities?
Break an Egg with Your Bare Hands:
The trick is to make sure you spread your hand evenly over the egg…and to try this outside, just in case your kids possess super-human strength. 😉
Finish a Silly Sentence:
Ask your kiddos to finish this sentence: “If I could egg anyone’s house in the whole world, I would throw eggs at __________.” Give them bonus points for using words like “eggs-ceptional” or “eggs-ellent.”
Participate in an Egg Drop:
When I was a kid, my favorite day at school was known as “Egg Drop Day.” Our parents would help us construct the most elaborate containers to keep our eggs safe. The principal would climb to the top of the gymnasium roof and drop the eggs, one by one, to the ground, while all the kids were gathered around to watch. It was so fun seeing which designs worked and which ones didn’t work at all. Most designs that incorporated a plastic bag “parachute” survived while those without padding did not. An egg in a jar of peanut butter is usually a good idea, too. Turn the kiddos loose and let them construct their own designs to protect the eggs. Climb onto your roof and drop them all from the same height and see who’s egg survives the drop.
Test Newton’s Law of Inertia:
The kids will LOVE this fun science experiment from Steve Spanglers Science. Do you think you can make the egg drop into the water without a huge mess?
Build a Nest:
Birds build their nests according to their needs. Have your kiddos gather twigs, grass and anything else they can find. Make sure they use mud as the glue that holds their nest together. *Fun fact: most birds only use their nests for breeding purposes and to keep their eggs and young safe from predators. Once the baby birds can fly, the nest is deserted. Birds do NOT live in their nests, like many people think.*
Make Copycat Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs:
Create on of the yummiest treats with only 5 ingredients that you probably already have in your cupboards! Thrifty Jinxy offers a simple recipe that the kids will love.
Become a Chicken Farmer:
Have a Spa Day:
Dissect an egg:
Become a Chef Eggs-traordinare:
Candle an Egg-
Research How other Countries Use Eggs:


12 Easy Educational Egg Activities for Kids