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7 Best First Pets for Kids

The Pet Corner: Best First Pets For Kids

Having a pet can be quite impactful for a child. To have something to take care of and manage can be a learning experience. They will teach your child more about life and love than formal educational organizations. 

Pets also allow children to develop and understand complex emotions. Therefore, it is recommended to allow your child to take care of pets. So, we decided to pick our topic today carefully.

Here, we will be looking at some of the best first pets for your children. So that you can pick the right one for your child. But first, we need to get the basics right. 

Love these ideas for the best first pets for kids. Animals just teach kids so much responsibility.

How Can A Pet Help A Child?

We have already discussed that pets can help your child grow and understand complex emotions. But the real question is how? In this section, we will be looking at some of the prominent reasons why pets can help your child grow and become more independent and self-reliant:

  • Controlling Allergies: Research conducted by Dr. June McNicholas of the University Of Warwick suggested that children growing up in households with pets tend to have low allergies. 
  • Teaches responsibilities. Caring for a living being other than yourself is a very important aspect of human life. Having a pet teaches you that. It teaches you how to care for someone and teaches complex emotions. 
  • Comfort & Companionship: A pet is your child’s best friend, companion, and everything in between. As a result, a pet can help your child with its mental health and keep them from feeling lonely. 

These three are the most important and noteworthy reasons why you must consider presenting your child with a pet. They help your child become a more complete and functional human being. 

Best First Pets For Your Kids

Having the right pet can truly help your child grow. Therefore, it is always important to do your research. Sadly, this requires a lot of legwork. Therefore, we did all the legwork. In this article, we will be looking at the best first pets for your children.

Before we proceed, we would like to point out that this is not a ranking list. This is more of an informative list. Here we will be listing the best animals that can serve as amazing first-time pets for your children.

Let’s go!


This is a no-brainer. Dogs are man’s best friend. This is because dogs are fiercely loyal and will truly teach you the importance of these characteristics. Therefore, a dog will not just be a pet, it will be the first teacher of your child. Sounds rhetorical, but it is the truth. 

This is why dogs as your child’s first pet can be an amazing choice. Some of the best dog breeds that are good with kids include Labradoodle, German Shepherd, Beagle, and Mastiffs. 


Like dogs, cats are the second-best choice for your baby. Cats might be moody and arrogant to some extent, but they are great companions as well. Unlike dogs, cats are more independent. Still, they will not leave your child’s side at all.

The best part about cats as first pets is their maintenance schedule. Cats are extremely low-maintenance animals. As a result, your child will not have to follow extensive regimes. Some of the best child-friendly cats include Maine Coon Cats, Calico Cats, Bengal Cats and Siamese Cats. 

Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are cute, interestingly complex, and low-maintenance. The quirky nature of this small critter will keep your child entertained. While hermit crabs are not particularly amazing at playing fetch. However, they are fun to look at and play with nonetheless. 

Housing these small crustaceans is very simple. You just need a glass tank with some moist sand and gravel. However, your child needs to be attentive towards the crab as they molt frequently. Therefore, your child needs to be careful. 


Lizards a massively misunderstood. They are interesting and complex creatures that make for amazing first pets. However, you need to understand that not all lizards are the same. While some start off cute, they can grow massive, like monitor lizards or iguanas. 

Therefore, you must go for a selected few like bearded dragons or leopard geckos. These lizards are great as first pets since they have a docile nature. In other words, they will not attack your child under any condition. Hence, your child will be safe.  


Birds are simply amazing when it comes to being pets. This is because birds are highly intelligent creatures. Therefore, your child can interact with them. Parakeets or similar birds can even have basic conversations with your child to some extent.

If you are looking for low-maintenance pets, then you must go for canaries. Canaries are perfect for several different reasons. Firstly, you do not have to do too much.  Secondly, getting a pair can make things more interesting. 

Mouse, Gerbil, Or Hamster

Mice, gerbils, and hamsters are like the Three Musketeers of the rodent world. They are small, cute, and come with good temper. Therefore, it makes them perfect as a child’s perfect first-time pets. However, they have to be kept in a cage, or you might misplace them.

Most rodents are independent and do not need too much attention from their parents. Therefore, five to ten minutes of personal playtime can keep them happy. However, they can come with a voracious appetite. Therefore, you need to take care of that aspect. 

Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs are also rodents. However, they are comparatively bigger than the three musketeers. Therefore, we decided to put it under a different section. These gentle giants of the rodent world come with a docile nature. Guinea pigs generally do not bite, so you can rest easy.

The best part is that guinea pigs are playful creatures. In other words, you have to play with them to keep them happy. However, they can get lonely. Therefore, it is best that you adopt more than one guinea pig. This will keep them contented and happy. 

The Final Thought

There you have it! This was a small list of some of the best and most prominent first-time pets for your little ones. However, we would like to point out that this list is not exhaustive at all. 

Hence, do not get mad if you do not see your preferred fur babies.