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3 Tips to Avoid Burnout in Your Homeschool

Tips to Avoid Burnout While Homeschooling

Homeschooling can seem like a massive undertaking. And it is. When you’re prepared and things are going smoothly, it can be enjoyable, although still a ton of work.

But when life gets messy, it can feel impossible to avoid burnout.

But, armed with a few tips, it IS possible!

Love these 3 tips to avoid burnout in your homeschool!

3 Tips to Avoid Burnout When Homeschooling

Take a Break:

It’s okay to put the books away for a few weeks while you regroup. Homeschooling can be heavy and at some point during your homeschooling journey, you’ll need to take a break.

Just because you choose to put the books away doesn’t mean that your kids won’t be learning anymore.

A break can be beneficial to both you and your kids. Plus, when you start back up, you’ll have a renewed energy and be more productive.

Love these 3 tips to avoid burnout in your homeschool!

Add Some Fun:

Learning doesn’t just come from books. There are thousands of ways that you can learn, other than from a curriculum.

CTCmath can help you automate your homeschool!

Outsource, Outsource, Outsource:

When you’re in charge of everything, it can be exhausting. Meals, laundry, birthday parties, visits with grandparents, cleaning windows, hair cuts chauffeuring to appointments, coaching soccer teams, planning Sunday School lessons, preparing a side dish for the pot luck, mopping the floors, picking out Easter dresses, figuring out a time to shower and maybe wash your hair…It’s exhausting.

But when you homeschool, you add an extra layer of pressure. Now, not only are your kids home with you 24/7 but you’re also expected to feed them 3 meals a day AND educate them! No pressure or anything. 😉

I learned early on in my homeschool journey that there was NO way I could do it all, without some help. After all, it really does take a village.

I looked at all of the tasks I was struggling with the most and decided where I needed to find help. For me, that’s homeschool math.

I’ve never been good at math and teaching it, while being interrupted by my kids, was no walk in the park. That’s why I turned to CTCMath.

CTCMath just makes sense!

How CTCMath Can Help YOU!

  • Full curriculum with video lessons that are NOT Common Core aligned and not taught “to the test”
  • Bite-size lessons that are easy for kids to digest
  • Easy-to-understand dashboard interface for parents, with weekly detailed progress reports emailed to you
  • Work at your own pace (My kids often do 2 or 3 lessons a day!)
  • Allows students to work independently, freeing up my own time
  • Teaches in a clear manner, that’s easy to understand, even for struggling students
  • CTCMath offers a 12-month money back guarantee! If you don’t love it, just email them for a full refund. (Honestly, what kind of company offers this kind of awesome guarantee!?!)
  • Access to all levels, K-12. That means you can move on to the next level when you’re ready, no need to purchase the next level.
  • Affordable rates for the whole family! One of the most important things I consider when buying a curriculum is the price. In reality, I would love to be able to afford the most expensive “all-in-one” curriculum, but I can’t. What I can do is find an affordable option that delivers high-quality math lessons and does the work for me!

If you’re looking to avoid burnout, you can’t miss CTCMath! It’s an easy and effective way to save your sanity, while your kids get a top-of-the-line education!

Love these 3 tips to avoid burnout in your homeschool!

Read more about why we love CTCMath: